I can't remember my BoardVitals password.


If you are sure you have an account but just can't remember your password, use the password reset option to have a new temporary password emailed to you. Go to boardvitals.com/users/sign_in and choose "Forgot Your Password?" Enter your myTC3 email address (reminder: it ends with @mymail.tc3.edu) and click the Send Password Reset button. 

Check your TC3 email for your new temporary password. Remember to change to a more secure password after logging in with the temporary password. 

If you have attempted to login with the incorrect password more than five times, your account has likely been frozen, and you may not receive your new password. If this happens, please contact Karla Block, the nursing librarian. She will contact our customer service representative, who will troubleshoot and resolve the situation (typically the same or next business day). Generally speaking, contacting the company's support email or phone number yourself will not resolve your issue (as we have an institutional account with a dedicated representative), but Karla is happy to help. 

If you aren't sure if you have an account, feel free to contact Karla. Students who enter the program in the fall as new first year students typically are pre-registered for an account using their official TC3 email address (which is then followed by a welcome email sent to your TC3 email, with instructions to finalize authentication of the account).  Students who enter the program at other times (such as in the second or third semesters or in the evening program) are not pre-registered, but can complete the registration process detailed on the library's BoardVitals guide


  • Last Updated Aug 06, 2024
  • Views 58
  • Answered By Karla Block

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