How do I get access to BoardVitals?


The library offers free access to BoardVitals, an NCLEX-RN exam prep question bank, as part of our STAT!Ref package. Nursing students can earn extra credit by completing questions. Below you will find information about how to register for, access, and use BoardVitals, download the mobile app, and troubleshoot common issues. 

How to register for BoardVitals

Before you can use our BoardVitals subscription, you must register and then authenticate your account.  The most direct route for first time registration is: note: new first year nursing students who start in the fall will be registered in advance and will not need to complete the registration process, but will need to authenticate their account after receiving the welcome email. Please watch your TC3 email for a welcome email from BoardVitals and follow the instructions to change your password if you were pre-registered. 

For students who do need to register, follow the steps below:

  • Click on "If Registering for the First Time Click Here."
  • Use your official TC3 email address (it ends with If you use a different email address, you will not have access to TC3's subscription.
  • You will receive a welcome authentication email to finish activating your account. Follow the directions in the email to complete the registration and authentication process. 
  • If you do not receive an email, see the library's BoardVitals page for troubleshooting tips. 

How to access BoardVitals (once you have registered and authenticated your account):

There are multiple ways to access BoardVitals, but here are two of the most direct ways:

How to use BoardVitals

You can use BoardVitals to create customized exams, choosing the subjects, difficulty level, test mode, and number of questions in an exam.

You can flag questions, show the answer’s explanation (in some modules), track your progress, search questions, and more. You can pause and resume a test later, but should click on the “Grade” button when you are finished with the exam to make sure it counts in your total number of questions answered (for extra credit).  

To replicate actual test conditions, you can highlight key passages, strikeout answer choices to eliminate distraction, make notes, use an on-screen scientific calculator, and access a list of standard lab values.

After you’ve taken your initial exam, you’ll start building a performance record for your personal account.

BoardVitals mobile app

BoardVitals offers a mobile app for iPhone and Android devices, allowing you to access content anytime, anywhere. Offline access allows you to download exams for later, even without an internet connection. Performance and quiz data sync between the website and mobile app and you use the same username and password for both.

You can download the app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store on your device.  Search for BoardVitals.  Please see the mobile app FAQs for more information, including how to download exams for offline use:

For help or more information

For more about BoardVitals, visit the library’s BoardVitals guide:

For more about other NCLEX resources including print books in the library, visit the library’s NCLEX guide:

For questions or help with BoardVitals, contact Karla, the nursing librarian, or make an appointment. 


  • Last Updated Aug 06, 2024
  • Views 397
  • Answered By Karla Block

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