I need at least four current nursing journal articles for my paper. How do I find those?


Many papers for the nursing program require that you use a minimum number of “current nursing journal articles.” Generally, this includes articles published in nursing journals (as opposed to other types of journals) within the last five years.

The database CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)—a premier source of nursing literature—includes tools called limits to help you more easily identify current nursing journal articles. Please view the handout "How to Limit to Current Nursing Journal Articles," for more information to help you locate articles published in current nursing journals using CINAHL.

There are other helpful FAQs listed under "More Information," including how to tell if a journal is considered a nursing journal or not.

For assistance or help with other nursing-related library or research needs, please contact Karla Block, the nursing librarian or make an appointment

  • Last Updated Aug 18, 2023
  • Views 129
  • Answered By Karla Block

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