How do I find a specific book?


Use the Books tab under Quick Search on the Library's home page.

Type in what you know about the book you are looking for and click Find.

Library OneSearch books tab selected; keywords in search box; mouse selecting "title" from the drop down menu to the right of the search box; mouse clicking "find" button to the right of the search box and drop down menu


If we own the book, it will appear on your list. 


Book "The rose that grew from concrete" in search results with availability label "at TC3 Library Main Library Collection" with call number


If you are looking for the book Holler if you hear me, we have an electronic copy of that book, and it will appear on your list with an Available Online link that you can use to get to the entire book, online.


search results item "Holler if you hear me searching for Tupc Shakur" - book title, author, publication year, and availability in search results


If you are looking for the book Tupac Shakur: The Life and Times of an American Icon, you will get the Oops! No records were found message, meaning that we do not own that book.  But we will try to get it for you from another library, at no cost to you, if you have a week or 10 days to wait.

To ask us to borrow it, go to the drop-down list in the search bar and pick SUNY Libraries and then click the magnifying glass search button again.

If you still don't see it, go back to the drop-down list and pick WorldCat.  Click the magnifying glass search button again.



Once it's on your list, click Check for available services.



On the next screen, under How to get it, click Sign in and follow the login prompts.



Once you are signed in, under How to get it you will now see a Request Item link.



Click on that and then click Send Request.


The library will send an email to you at your TC3 address when your book has arrived.

  • Last Updated Feb 17, 2023
  • Views 127
  • Answered By Susanna

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