My students have assignments but don't own the books. Can the library help?



We keep textbooks and other assigned materials in Course Reserves at the Service Desk.  Students may borrow these items and use them in the Baker Commons for up to two hours at a time. Scanners and photocopiers are available.

Students may also request that we scan a book chapter and send them a digital file.  Here's how. Such files can be read on the screen and are available for two hours after they are opened.

What's already on Reserve?

Search Textbooks/Reserves in OneSearch.  You can search by title, author, keywords, or by course number (ANTH202, for example, no spaces), or instructor name. 

How can I put something on Reserve?

Send a message with what you need to the library at or complete a printable form (.doc) and bring it to the Service Desk 

If you need something on Reserve that we don't already own, we will attempt to buy it.  Or, you may lend us your own copy of the book or DVD you need to have on Reserve for your students. 

If you assign students articles, ebooks or streaming video or audio that are available through the library's databases, Ask a Librarian to help you get the correct links to share directly with your students or embed in your web course.

What happens with Reserve DVDs?

Teachers may borrow a Reserve DVD to show in class or we can make a temporary streaming version that you could embed in your Web course for up to four weeks. Use the (online) Faculty Media Request Form.

  • Last Updated Aug 01, 2024
  • Views 48
  • Answered By Susanna

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