How do I cite an article in MLA format?
MLA citations for articles follow this format:
Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Publication, Volume, Issue, Day Month Year, Location.
Pierce, Dennis. "The Rise of Dual Enrollment." Community College Journal, Vol. 87, Issue 5, Apr/May 2017, pp. 16-24.
- List author as Last Name, First Name.
- For articles with 2 authors, list the authors in order they are presented. Invert the first name (like with one author) and keep the second name in normal order
- For articles with 3 or more authors, list the fist author, then the latin abbreviation et. al.
- For articles with no author, begin the citation with the title
- Title in "Title Case"; capitalize each word in the title except short prepositions (to, from, etc) and articles (the, a, an)
- The Title of Publication can be the name of an Academic Journal, Newspaper, Magazine, or Website. Put it in italics.
- Some articles will not have Volume or Issue information--skip those fields if no information available
- Location will be the page(s) for print sources; it will be a URL for electronic sources
For more information about citing articles in MLA, visit Purdue OWL here.