I need ideas for my NURS225 persuasive essay.


Some students know exactly what they want to write about for their NUR225 persuasive essays, while others need help brainstorming ideas. Because doing well on the first two essays will mean you don't have to write a third essay, most students are motivated to find a good topic with solid sources!

The NURS225 library guide provides some ideas if you want to browse for topic ideas (some of which have been done by other students in past semesters). Please note that not all of the ideas presented may end up working for your assignment, but might help you brainstorm ideas anyway.  This page is not exhaustive, but provides a starting point.

Keep in mind that you should choose and clearly state a position of importance to the nursing profession. Your essay must present arguments to support both your position and the opposite position. It's a great idea to run your topic ideas past your reader, too, to make sure you are both on the same page. 

Some of the most popular topics in recent years have included:

  • 8 vs 12 hour shifts
  • staffing ratios
  • bedside reporting
  • nurse residency programs
  • mandatory vaccines for nurses (e.g., COVID or flu)

Review the specifics of the assignment, as you're not limited solely to nursing journal articles but must use a required minimum number of professional nursing sources and cannot use textbooks alone.  The NURS225 guide provides links to nursing journal articles, academic books, and professional nursing websites as some possibilities.  For links to specific nursing journal articles, you can access the full text through the library with your myTC3 username and password (some articles may be freely available online and will not require you to login).

You're also encouraged to contact Karla or make an appointment to talk over ideas.  She can offer suggestions and help you find appropriate resources.


  • Last Updated Jun 30, 2022
  • Views 95
  • Answered By Karla Block

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