How do I request an audio book on CD?


1. Go to WorldCat and search to see if the book you want is available on CD. Here's how:


1. Type your terms in the blank box and 2. use the drop-down list to be more specific.

3.  Select the Non-musical recording and 4. CD audio limits.

5. Then click Search.


2. Click on the title of the correct item in your list of search results and confirm that it is that you want.


3. If it's the right thing, click the Request from another library link.


4. This will take you into TC3's library system.  Under How to get it, click Sign in.


5. Click TC3 Student, Faculty and Staff Login.  If you have a community card or are a BARC library, use that login option and proceed to step 8.


6. Type in your TC3 email address and then click Next.



7. Then, enter your myTC3 password and click Sign in.


8. Now under How to Get it, the yellow banner will be gone and you'll see the request option. Click Request item.


9. On the next screen click Send Request.


The Library will email you when the CDs have arrived. 

If we are unable to borrow the CDs for you, we will email you to let you know.

  • Last Updated Feb 11, 2025
  • Views 145
  • Answered By Susanna

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