What are my options to return books or DVDs?
If you are not coming to campus
- Request a pre-paid return shipping label to mail books and DVDs back to us. We cover the postage.
If you are coming to campus
There are book return bins
- Inside the library
- at the Service Desk on the second floor
- Outside the library
- in the main building
- on the first floor near the bookstore (turn left onto the green hallway from the traffic circle entrance)
- on the second floor, the even-numbered side, near the red elevator
- in the athletic building (parking lot #5)
- just inside the entrance
- in the main building
We do not charge overdue fines. Please return any item(s) regardless of the due date.
Questions about returns? Ask the Service Desk
More Information
- How can I see what I've borrowed? Opens in new window
- I'm not done with my book (or DVD). How can I get more time? Opens in new window
- How do CollegeNow people return books and DVDs? Opens in new window
- Does the library charge fines or other fees? Opens in new window
- How do I request a book return shipping label? Opens in new window