How do I find a specific article?


Use this box to search for the article you are interested in.  Your search results will open in a separate tab.






If the article is available there will be links to the full text that you could click on.



You may search for an article that doesn't appear on your list or that results in a "no records found" message


But don't give up!  It means we don't have immediate access to the article, but we should be able to get an electronic copy for you pretty quickly.

Slide the button next to Search More Libraries and the search will run again.  When you see the article you want in your list, click on No Online Access. 



Scroll down to How to get it and click Sign in and follow the login prompts.


Now under How to get it the yellow banner will have gone away and you can click on Request Item.


Then click Send Request.


We will get an electronic copy of the article from another library and email you with a link to the pdf.


If you do not find the article you need at all, speak with a librarian about your options.

Don't ever pay for an article that you need for your schoolwork.

Chances are very good that we can get it for you, and quickly, at no additional cost to you. Ask us!  

  • Last Updated Feb 11, 2025
  • Views 238
  • Answered By Susanna

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