What should I do if I have experienced harassment or discrimination, feeling singled out or targeted based on race, gender, identity, etc?


Talk to:

John Geer
Vice President of Human Resources
Room 219
607.844.8222, Ext. 4440

Seth Thompson
Interim Vice President of Student Affairs,
Room 248
607.844.8222, Ext. 4358

Carolyn Boone,
Access and Equity Services,
Room 130
607.844. 8222, Ext. 4283

Darese Doskal,
Interim Dean of Student Affairs, 
Room 248


What to Know:

The College is committed to maintaining an educational and work environment that is free of any discrimination or harassment, and to fostering positive business and personal conduct, so that everyone, including students, employees, and invitees, is treated with respect and dignity in a non-discriminatory environment.

If you have experienced harassment or discrimination, the college is committed to supporting you. Talk to one of our Title IX coordinators.


  • Last Updated Jul 27, 2023
  • Views 20
  • Answered By Eric Jenes

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